Sunday 26 May 2013

Random Ghana

Here is a post script, taken from the group journal that was kept in the Lodge. Just a few of our favourite lines and photos. Not everything made it in, but for good reason.

"Its nice to be nice"

"Fanti Kenkey with Fanta"

Godsway,  leading everyone on a walkabout tour of the village our first day there: "this is mud"

Ashley: "Rebecca, I think your dress is ready"
Rebecca: "Why?"
Ashley: "Because Angelina said, are you Rebecca? Your dress is ready."

Emmanuel, (U of Ghana student coming to Carleton in the fall term) : "I'll see you when you see me!"

Jodi: "Dennis, is this going to be a whole ride thing? Are you sure? Okay "

"so sweet"

"The Roof"

Jodi to Godsway: "Godsway, how do you say pineapple?"
Godsway: "pineapple" 

Elvis,  using Ewe tonal inflections: "Let's make it a party"

Samantha, referring to her roomate who shall go unamed: "No, you need to wake her up four times....and not leave! "

Torgbui (our drum and dance teacher but also a chief) : "...And then you shake your ass"

To Elvis: "How do you and Selorm know each other?"
Elvis: "Historically"

Driving up behind a brass band in the back of a pick up truck! Standing and playing while driving. Yes really.  see pic below

Joe complimenting one of our dancers after the show: "You have the butt of an African woman, that's what's good!"

Kathy: "Everyone picture A900 (pre-renovations of course). Now picture here! "

Godsway at the final dinner: "We must eat like a pregnant woman!"

Song composition on the last night,  sung to the tune of Mano Efe. Composer shall remain anonymous: "In heaven, there is no beer, that's why, we are drinking all the beer"

"There's a goat in the back seat!"
"Sounds like my last date"
"Have you ever been in a car ride with a goat?"

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